This boat was floated in 1956 in the shipyard in Hamburg. In the beginning, its function was that of a “fera” (ferry) in the harbour of Hamburg under the name of Farmsehn and later as Astor III. In the early nineties it was bought for a new function and after it was rebuilt, the boat was used as a “cafe rundfahrt” (a boat with a meal service) on the water port Dortmundtsko-Emšský in an old ship lift Henrichenburg, where in June 2007 it was bought by its current owner, the company called Česká lodní doprava charter. The boat underwent thorough reconstruction and since September it has been put into operation on The Vltava.

Technical Parametres:

  • Length: 26 metres
  • Width: 6,5 metres
  • Sink: 1,3 metres
  • The capacity of the parlour: 70 people
  • Sun deck: 70 people


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